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Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Let's Player's Introduction

I am a person who has loved playing video games ever since I was six years old.  Like most people my first video game was Mario on the old Nintendo.  Even though I play more on my PlayStation 3 and follow Playstation news and information, I still have a love for Nintendo video games and systems (I just brought a 3D DS a few weeks ago).  Sometimes I play video games on my computer such as Sims 3, visual novels, and various indie games.

Unfortanetly I have little desire in getting an Xbox 360 anything Xbox related even though there are a few indie games (like Fez) that pull my attention from time to time.

In summary I only have a
PlayStation 2 and 3
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo 3D DS
A laptop

My all time favorite genres are fighting games, JRPG's, platformers, and recently visual novels.

I do have a website  http://www.iceangelgaming.com/
A Youtube channel  http://www.youtube.com/user/IceAngelGaming/
Facebook Page  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ice-Angel-Gaming
Twitter  https://twitter.com/iceangelgaming
Google Plus https://plus.google.com/109083879964591811521